√ PSA Online Appointment System Guide - Techtoemay Blog

PSA Online Appointment System Guide


PSA Online Appointment System Guide

A PSA certificate is a significant document used as identification evidence in the Philippines. The certificate is granted by the National Statistics Office, formerly known as the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) (NSO).

The PSA certificate includes details like the bearer's complete name, birthdate, place of birth, and other crucial information. The certificate is a legitimate government-issued ID that may be used for a variety of things, including opening a bank account and applying for a passport.

Even though they are not the same document, birth certificates and PSA certificates are frequently used interchangeably. The PSA certificate serves as identification documentation, whereas the birth certificate serves as proof of the bearer's birth.

You can obtain a PSA certificate if you were born in the Philippines by asking the PSA for a copy of your birth certificate. You may also request the certificate by mail or online.


The public service announcement utilizes an outer specialist organization to keep up with and update the Common Enrollment Administration Arrangement Framework. Information to be given will likewise be available to this specialist organization yet just for the reasons for working the arrangement framework. Information won't be utilized nor unveiled to some other party.

PSA Online Appointment System

Here are the steps in setting an appointment with PSA.

Step 1:

Choose the PSA CRS outlet where you would like to set an appointment. If you are in NCR and requesting for a PSA certificate that underwent Court Decrees and Legal Instruments for the first time, book an appointment at East Avenue.

Step 2:

Provide your name, email address, and mobile number. The PSA will send a copy of your appointment sheet via email. You will receive a verification code on the email address.

Step 3:

Select the type of PSA certificate that you would like to request. If you are requesting for someone else, please indicate their names and your relationship to the certificate owner.

Step 4:

Choose the date and time when you plan to visit your chosen PSA outlet.

Step 5:

Take note of the important details of the appointment. Double-check that your name, email address, and mobile number on the screen are all accurate. It is important your name matches your ID exactly. Use your complete full name, no initials.

Step 6:

You will receive a copy of your Appointment Slip via email. Please save the PDF file on your phone or print it out. You will need to print the entire form including the QR code.

Step 7:

Go to your chosen PSA outlet on the date of your appointment. Be at the outlet’s premises on time or a few minutes earlier. Bring your own pen and make sure you are protected by a face mask.

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